Sun Bear Unisex Dri Fit T Shirt (Short Sleeve)
Sun Bear Shop By Bsbcc |
89.96975350041194 分类目录 : Clothing
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Did you know, chest mark on these bears are like our fingerprint, every bear has their own unique print, this is how we recognize them. Whos “fingerprint” is this? This chestmark belongs to Julaini, one of the bear rescued by us at BSBCC.
Join the family, get one now!
The image was rasterized in illustrator by Kevin Todd, senior lecture art and design, University of Sunshine Coast, Australia before being produced in Malaysia.
We at BSBCC hope you will love our products and love sun bear like we do. We strongly believe through raising social awareness for wild life preservation will help everyone to know more about mother nature and how important sun bear are to the natural habitats.
For every purchase made, you will indirectly contribute to sun bear and help make their life happy and grateful.
Aside from our products you see here, we also offer Virtual Safari Experience with Bornean Sun Bear for you. Do have a look if you love sun bear and wish to learn more about them!
Also available for Kids –> RM50 (XS-XL)